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5 Painting & Decorating Hacks You NEED To Know About!

If you are about to embark on a bit of painting and decorating over these warm summer months - before you crack open the paint can - let me introduce you to five simple and helpful hacks which will make that room update a lot easier! Some of these tips I’ve been using forever, while a couple I’ve only just discovered and they’ve been complete game changers!

Line your paint tray with inserts, or use foil or cling film.

If you are painting the room in different colours, or if you are using different paint finishes (emulsion on the walls and eggshell on the woodwork), you’ll need to buy more than one paint tray or wash out your tray thoroughly after each use (something that can be a real effort as the paint dries and sticks to the plastic). To save your paint tray from getting spoiled you can line it with a removable insert. Alternatively, press down tin foil or cling film on the tray inner to provide a protective barrier between the tray and the paint. Once you have finished painting for the day, simply remove and dispose of the insert - your hard, plastic tray will remain as good as new!

Save washing your brushes and paint tray by wrapping them in an airtight carrier bag and putting them in the fridge

This is such a brilliant hack if you have children or if the room you are painting is particularly large. Washing your paintbrushes and trays is a messy task that results in you literally pouring expensive paint down the drain. It can also dry out and age your brushes quickly. If you need to stop painting (only to start again later in the day or the next), simply place your brushes and tray in an airtight carrier bag and place them in the fridge (far away from any food). The combination of a lack of air to dry out the paint and the low temperature means that when you want to return to your decorating you can just pick up where you left off! Personally, I’ve left my trays and brushes in the fridge for up to 3 days before they’ve started to harden.

Use a long bendy roller for painting behind radiators

For a proper paint job you need to make sure you paint the entire surface area. Rather than removing radiators off the wall, simply invest in a long, bendy roller with a thin roller head for those hard-to-reach parts. The ability for the roller to bend is great for painting behind small, narrow gaps. Wrap your radiator in a dust sheet first to stop any paint splatters getting on it.

Use A Glass Scraper On Windows Rather Than Mess Around With Lots Of Protective Tape

This is one of the best decorating hacks that I’ve learned along the way. When painting windows (especially multi-pane sash), I used to tape up the edge of every glass pane with protective masking tape so that I didn’t have a sleight of hand and get paint on the glass. It took forever to apply and was a real waste of tape, so when another blogger informed me to use a glass scraper, it was a complete revelation! An inexpensive tool with a plastic handle and a blade on the end, you can easily scrape and remove dried paint on any glass surface without causing damage. Once your windows are painted and dry, simply use this tool to get rid of any paint excess (they are also great for general use around the house such as getting dried food off tiles or price stickers off solid items). For an extra tip when painting windows, always use a sash window brush for ease of use and to get in all the corners.

Use Dishwasher Tablets To Bring Old Paintbrushes Back To Life

This is a hack that I only recently learned about via a home renovation account on Instagram, but I’ve tried it a few times and it totally works! I was never a fan of toxic brush cleaners or smelly, polluting white spirit - I never have it in the house. I always cleaned my emulsion brushes with soapy water which was OK - but not great to get off all paint residue. Instead, get a pot or a washing-up bowl and place in your paintbrushes. Submerge the brushes in warm water, add a dishwasher tab, then leave them to soak for at least an hour. After, thoroughly wash and dry your brushes and they should be in great condition! (Note: this hack only works if the brushes have been used with water-based paints and not oil-based paints or primers).

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